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- @A@2Jude/Kult
- @FHnewcentury24
- @FAbigwall16
- @FMdarkparticle08
- {2@1
- 1This first issue of Zoo has been delayed many, many times over, due to some
- 1quite disasterous forseen and unforseen circumstances.
- 1
- 1The issue was actualy finished around December 1994, when we had `some kind'
- 1of system running. This was complete and Kult showed it off to myself and
- 1Smiley at his house. I thought the system was quite good. Kult admited there
- 1were a few minor bugs, but Smiley made the fatal mistake of saying "It looks
- 1like you wrote it in Magnum." Oh dear ! It got worse when I agreed with him.
- 1Well Kult wasn't having any of it and he shooed us out of his house. He then
- 1didn't phone us up, but he would have done had the phones in his house been
- 1connected, to tell us he was completely rewriting the system, or he would
- 1have done could he have been fucked to, so he decided to `tweak' his original
- 1system.
- 1
- 1Some weeks later he decided to start. At my house he told me of his many,
- 1many plans to improve the mag. He also told me he was being admitted to the
- 1local hospital for `specialist treatment' and `tests'.
- 1
- 1Kult was depressed because he was missing so much college (which he enjoys
- 1because he gets to do `specialist things'). I came to visit him in the
- 1hospital as did Smiley and PIP. He was in the geratric and I mean fermenting
- 1old men (and some women with moustaches) who farted their way to the toilet,
- 1ward. It was a `great trip' not unlike some halucinogenic. Kult, the well
- 1organized person he is, had not bothered to tell us what ward he was on
- {1and due to NHS cutbacks (@7he had his foreskin removed@1 - no not really)
- 1there was nobody to ask where his bed was.
- 1
- 1I sensed he might be on Rawcliffe ward when I bumped into the old man and
- 1knocked his bag of pink urine (due to his treatmemnt) out of his hand and
- 1straight down PIP's tracksuit bottoms. Sure enough there was Kult on the end
- 1bed reading an exceptionaly old copy of the popular `soccer' periodical
- 1`Shoot', kindly donated to him by a fellow patient. Kult told us he had been
- 1removed from his quality private room some time last night. He wasn't sure
- 1when, but Beavis and Butthead were on both his two TVs and the phone was off
- 1the hook.
- 1"I'd just delved into the mini-bar when I was snatched by the matron (who
- 1resembled Hatty Jaques) an replaced by a diseased man, with severe leporacy
- 1straight down his left hand side".
- 1
- 1Kult's new bed was shit. Next to him were old men rotting and moaning and
- 1letting off gratuitous quantities of wind every now and again. It was a sorry
- 1way to end up. Once a top programmer, now a raving, foaming at the mouth
- 1outcast. Every now and again Kult would scratch himself, or play picker stix
- 1with one of the old patients, trying desperately to while away the hours.
- 1
- 1Kult was fucked up inside (don't ask me how cause the doctors didn't even
- 1know). They decided that as they couldn't work out what to do with him they
- 1should let him go free, like a monkey being let back into the wild,
- 1technicaly free, yet tagged and marked by his experience. It was degrading
- 1to see this sight, he was just a mere husk of his former self. Kult went
- 1home, but as he was still ill he didn't go back to college. Kult liked this
- 1arrangement. He could stay at home all day and program, while occasionaly
- 1eating and drinking (although, of course as an invalid there were, and indeed
- 1still are certain things he can't eat like salad and vegetables - hence the
- 1phrase "Can I have a Yorkie, mum?"). The magazine got into the swing again
- 1and the system was nearly complete. Nobody could have predicted what would
- 1happen next...
- 1
- 1I had just recieved a new CD rom and I was copying a file across from the CD
- 1to a `blank disk'. I keep my blank disks in a seperate pile and so I barely
- 1looked as I picked up the disk, rammed it in the drive and hit return. Upon
- 1taking the disk out I read the label of what used to be on it `Zoo magazine
- 1Articles' - how the fuck did that get in the wrong pile. My piles are
- 1normaly so neat and clean. I had wiped straight over the top of my only copy
- 1of the articles (back ups are for lamers - not any more) with a shit
- 1animation of Harvey the Gerbil goes Ski-ing by Russ J Bennns. Instead of
- 1panicking I remained calm and counted to first 10, then 20, then 30 - I must
- 1be fucking relaxed by now. I then started hammering on the TV screen moaning
- 1 "Why god, why ?" This didn't help as I am an athiest. OH FUCK !
- 1
- 1Luckily Kult had way, way old back ups of some of the old articles, often
- 1half complete. From them I have picked up the pieces and it was not before
- 1long that the magazine was finished. After one nights none-stop work he
- 1(Kult) had managed to iron out even the last of the bugs.
- 1
- 1"Let's see it, let's see it", gulped an almost emaciated PIP, the urine had
- 1almost worked like an acid, tearing away at his facial flesh. "Okay", we
- 1screamed straight into his inner ear. Get your shite A500 ready. PIP groped
- 1for his `powerboard' and soon (i.e. 1.2 A500 time = very slow) he was ready.
- 1We booted the disk, only worrying momentarily when we discovered his `beast'
- 1scarcly had the memory to load it. It took about 10 minutes. That was no good
- 1so, especialy for those people to lazy, retarded or cheap to upgrade (okay
- 1not all of you are like that, but I am using PIP as the current example,
- 1model user. Come on lets face it we all have a 10 meg GVP external hard drive
- 1and a Hot Stuff joystick like his, don't we, and thats not forgetting the
- 1official Sam Tramiel aproved ATARI branded mouse and that extra memory that
- 1only occasionaly works and has very dubious origins (wink, wink, nudge,
- 1nudge eh PIP and his father in particular - Still fixing the school computers
- 1eh eh ?)) Kult recoded the mag, hastily.
- 1
- 1Then there was a further prolem. The magazine was written in AMOS PRO (sad
- 1but true and it's definately one of the last times we use this `mother of all
- 1languages', even if it was just for a laugh. You know the scenario - "Oh look
- 1here's another poor pd game created in Amos, surely you can create something
- 1half good in it - go on then. Amos Poe needs the Amos Poe Compiler to get
- 1any speed at all, and we're not having anyone (you know who you are) hacking
- 1into and changing it for a laugh - "Ho ho, I've changed the magazines name
- 1from The Zoo to The Poo !!!". Unfortunately we do not have the compiler and
- 1know nobody we know had it to copy, which of course we would never ever do
- 1cause it is very, very naughty ;-)
- 1
- 1So it was delayed yet again, and as I pointlessly type this with Jo Jo The
- 1Dog shouting and Kult slowly sliding off his `specialy padded mobile chair
- 1unit' (avalible from most good MotherCare stores, under the mentaly damaged
- 1section) and dribbling, gently at the corner of his mishapen, thus always
- 1open mouth, I better get his nurse to wipe his plastic rain coat (which he
- 1must wear, like some toddlers plastic food bib) soon, I still do not know the
- 1fate of this text. Well we've got the compiler covered by one means or
- 1another and maybe we can bypass it all together (ho ho), or so we thought,
- 1but thanks to some <mighty non-standard> programming by the Mandarin crew
- 1Kult finaly said "Unnnhhh", which when fed through his speech unit came out
- 1as "unnnnhhhfuckitunnnhhh". He has since gone into a home and in a tribute
- 1to him we have decided that instead of protecting the code WE will GIVE IT to
- 1YOU as a form of present. Next issue will probably be machine code so have
- 1this AMOS POE code to allow you to create something from it (like a magazine
- 1and not a version of Street Fighter).
- 1
- 1Hope you enjoy the magazine, we didn't, much, but no doubt we`ll `happily sit
- 1here and do it all again', as PIP once said as he walked out of
- 1`Cliffhanger'.
- 1
- 1
- {1@2Jude. August 1995
- {2@3
- 3The following is a note from the `all new' KULT...
- 3I must tell you that the code that is on the disk is not exactly structured
- 3or well made but having said that it still `beats the shit' out of a few
- {3others that have been done in @7AMOS@3. The main reason for the bad code is
- 3just that it had to be made inbetween visits to the local hospital and to be
- 3honest, who wants to sit there and make a magazine anyway? Poo.
- 3The text files on the disk were run through a convertor which sticks in a
- 3load of `odd' bits - I`m sure you`ll find some useful bits in the code, if
- 3not, just blank it with the latest version of Street Fighter.
- 3
- {3@2Jude. October 1995
- {2@3
- 3Today is a sunday, the 29th. It'll be Halloween soon. I wonder if PIP will
- 3come out (like Michael Barrymoore did). Historical context: Amiga is fucked.
- 3Kult's medical condition: stable. No sign of a magazine.... yet.
- 3
- {3@2 Kult. Just after Jude's last note
- {2@3
- 3Wahay! A coderz work is never done (if you call programming in AMOS, coding?)
- 3I have decided to re-write it (again) for you...maybe. So...err, what else...
- 3I am feeling `fine`, only a few minor problems down below but I don`t want to
- 3talk about it. (Don't want to talk about it- Can't talk more like- Jude)...
- 3BUT I CAN TYPE. btnk,manaynauk,e,l4 (*85 (sometimez)... If you want to buy
- 3a wheelchair, footpedals or some walking sticks then `Im yer man`. My
- 3CDROM drive is still working so I am happy, and I can use my CD`s...Err.
- 3I WENT TO THE DIGITAL SYPOSIUM...err, it was, fair small and many people
- 3DIDN`t enjoy it...I found some kewl contacts and got some code so I was
- 3happy...except I lost mu contact number to get home so I had to wait RIGHT
- 3till the end (12:00 PM..It was FUCKING freezing by then)... But hey! I got a
- 3Euroscene CD FREE! If the organizers of that ever read this then yes! That
- 3was me wandering outside gormlesly, shivering <shiver>. HAHA.
- 3Some one keeps saying `conclude` in my ear so I had better vacate the `typing
- 3seat`...
- 3
- {3@2 PIP. Obviously made up
- {2@3
- 3I will be contacting my cilliciters in the morning and ordering them to begin
- 3proceedings. Don't touch me.
- X0*]